Measure Twice Cut Once Bar Shoe Make and Fit
Shoemaking process combined with functional application rationals
Shoemaking process combined with functional application rationals
Live Attendance Event (not online). Repetition, speed and accuracy come from repetitionSharing Knowledge the most effective learning toolPractice, Practice and then practice some moreGuided Tuitiona ll learning is self learning No Gain Without Pain think of ease but work on Previous Next A two day clinic understanding the shoeing plan including strategies for foot trimming […]
Repetitionspeed and accuracy come from repetitionSharing Knowledgethe most effective learning toolPractice, Practiceand then practice some moreGuided Tuitionall learning is self learning No Gain Without Painthink of ease but work on Previous Next A two day clinic understanding the shoeing plan including stratagies for foot trimming and "trim & make 2 fit clinic" shoe making for […]
Kelvin Lymer, and Mark Caldwell will discuss the rationale underpinning the use of the clog systems in the treatment of acute and chronic Lamanitic cases. “WHAT, WHY, WHEN, HOW, AND WILL IT WORK”? Will be explored with compare, and contrast, with practical demonstrations of the various clog systems and in particular the transitioning and rehabilitation […]
A day with Mark Caldwell discussing the rationale underpinning modern farriery techniques for sport horses. You will be surprised to find that a commonsense approach to translating evidence-based farriery techniques utilizes the historical sound basic principles that have stood the test of time in answering “WHAT, WHY, WHEN, HOW, AND WILL IT WORK”? Approach to […]
Live Attendance Event (not online). A day with Mark Caldwell discussing the rationale underpinning modern farriery techniques for sport horses. You will be surprised to find that a commonsense approach to translating evidence-based farriery techniques utilizes the historical sound basic principles that have stood the test of time in answering “WHAT, WHY, WHEN, HOW, AND […]
Live Attendance Event (not online). Kelvin Lymer, and Mark Caldwell will discuss and demonstrate a range of tricks, tips and techniques employed when utilizing modern materials in farriery. The “WHAT, WHY, WHEN, HOW, AND WILL IT WORK” Will be of particular benefit to those unfamiliar with some of the processes as well as students seeking […]