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The use of ‘Inshoe Prosthetic Inserts’ in Farriery Treatment Plans – Session 3

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The first in a series of webinars, from Scientific Horseshoeing (Scientific Horseshoeing), hosted by DR. Mark Caldwell FWCF, which will feature sessions on Anatomy with Paul Conroy BSc (Hons) AWCF and Fabrication with Peter Peers Dip WCF farrier tools. And our guest speak for the evening; Jenny Hagen, DVM, PhD, CF, is a veterinarian, re­searcher and certified farrier. She is in private practice for equine ortho­pedics and chiropractic. She is a mem­ber of the faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Leipzig University in Ger­many. The sessions will focus on farriery considerations for application of this type of treatment modality.

Session 3 – Featuring DR. Mark Caldwell FWCF, Peter Peers Dip WCF farrier tools and Kelvin Lymer DWCF

A recording of our interactive webinar discussing the hypotheses, fabrication and application of inshoe inserts to manipulate force for mechanical advantage, and the farriery treatment plan.

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